The Why.

Hey there and how are ya? Of course the hope is you are reading this while you are snuggled up with something cozy. Maybe it’s your favorite soft blanket, or your essential warm beverage. Currently I (Kathryn) am listening to a relaxing playlist on Spotify. I don’t know about you all, but I love to create a warm, welcoming environment as often as possible. With that in mind, this first post is all about the why we started Cozy in the Chaos.

In October 2020, Courtny realized how tired she was all the negativity in the world. It seemed that things were constantly focused on the worst case and there was no positivity as a counter balance. This is something I completely agree with, and we are sure you can too. This previous year felt like one bad event after another. Sure, there was the occasional silver lining. However, it felt that the rain cloud was always ready to a strike lighting and not yield a rainbow. I am sure some of you can concur with this outlook. There were times when our news outlets reported on ways we should cope, but really coping is such a deeply personal experience that being told how to do it can just send you deeper into chaos. Cue in the next reason that Courtny wanted to begin this podcast: to create a “judgey free zone”.

The entire time I’ve known Courtny she has used the phrasing above to let others know that she is here to listen and commiserate when you need it. She is not here to listen and cast blame or be overly critical. In a world where the preverbal finger is always ready to point, it’s immensely refreshing to have someone like Courtny on your team. When she told me that this podcast would strive to create a community of acceptance instead of judgement, well, that’s when I was really hooked. Courtny and I love when people feel safe enough to be who they are. No filters or masks: just people celebrating that there all different ways to relax and free the mind from those not so cozy thoughts.

For me, this podcast is something I have always wanted. When I truly vibe with someone, there are those moments when I think, “man! Someone should be recording us because this is some real shit.” Yeah, okay…so I am not the most tactful person, but I am honest. And being friends with people who make you feel free to speak with passion and enthusiasm is much less common place than you might believe. When we started to plan out the vision for this project, I wanted us to be free to just chat. I want listeners to feel like they are eavesdropping on a really interesting conversation at a café. So far, I think that focus is being actualized. Though at the time of writing this we have only recorded a few episodes, I know it will be effortless for us to maintain this tone.

Alright. There you all have it. The first blog post/mission statement, of sorts. Courtny and I hope that you feel seen and heard (even if you are just talking back to your stereo speakers).

Warm hugs.


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